How does Monaghan-Phillips Executive Search work?
In general Monaghan-Phillips requires a deeper level of understanding of our client’s needs and not just based on the job description of the candidate to
In general Monaghan-Phillips requires a deeper level of understanding of our client’s needs and not just based on the job description of the candidate to
While the need for hiring Diversity is a burning political issue today in corporations, thequestion remains, how best do you find the highest-performing diverse hires
Companies that lag behind their competitors in diversity will find it more difficult to attract top talent and build a good reputation among employees. By:
The overall number of women in top business roles is still painfully low. Today, less than 10% of CEO’s of major companies in the U.S. are women. However, on the bright side, today over 40% of companies have over four women in the C-Suite, up from over 25% in 2018.
It’s now a proven fact that in business, female leaders can achieve agreements and make deals where men might fall short. But they have to be at the table, and they have to be given positions of leadership and authority.